Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.
Fraud prevention champion, co-founder and CAO of Simplex, spoke to the Bank of Lithuania on how to detect and combat fraud
Simplex, the largest fiat infrastructure for digital currencies globally, has added SEPA Instant to its growing list of payment methods, allowing users to seamlessly move between the fiat banking system and crypto in mere seconds. For Simplex partners and their users, the SEPA Instant integration is a major milestone that dramatically reduces friction and costs… Read More
To celebrate our continued collaboration with Guarda, we are excited to offer a week of zero card processing fees for all new users in the EEA buying BTC, ETH and LTC on Guarda via Simplex. The event will run until 9th April, and all eligible new users in the EEA can take advantage of the… Read More